Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Ethics Of Unethical Behavior - 1626 Words

A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world, Albert Camus. Police hold a unique position in our society. They are entrusted to protect and serve the people. Their position is also unique in that it easily can lead to corruption and violence when unethical behavior is allowed. In our current culture, unethical police culture to easily seems to become the norm. Minor unethical actions seem to be ever present and larger problems have shown to become rampant in some departments. Solutions need to be found to combat the current culture of unethical behavior in policing. Education, positive incentives and ethical leadership are needed. Police in our society are in a difficult situation. They have to balance freedom with enforcing law and order. As noted in Ethics in Criminal Justice: In Search of the Truth, the task of the police is sometimes seen as impossible (Souryal, 1992, p. 353). There are numerous problems that must be faced. Police brutality is certainly one of much concern to our society. It is unethical, and usually illegal, for police to abuse to lead to brutality. Excessive use of force has been a concern for many years. Police using physical force unethically is dangerous to society. The actual act of force is dangerous in itself. However, the fear of force can be just as harmful. Among other abuses, misuse of force can leave community member crippled with Physical fear, (Souryal, 1992, p.359). Cases like Rodney King and Donovan Jackson haveShow MoreRelatedEthics : Ethical And Unethical Behavior Essay1183 Words   |  5 PagesWebster Dictionary ethics are â€Å"rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad; an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior: a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong†. There is more to ethics than the simple definition. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

List The Three Apparitions ( Image ) And What Each Means

Macbeth Name: Michaela Ludwig Act IV Study Guide List the three apparitions (image) and what each means. Image: Meaning: 1. â€Å"...Beware Macbeth, Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough.† (4.1.71-72) An armed head The first is an armed head sent to warn Macbeth of The Thane of Fifes arrival. Macduff will come back to ruin him. 2. â€Å"Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.† (4.1.79-81) A bloody child The second is a bloody child telling Macbeth to be violent, bold, and strict and laugh to hurt. No man born of a woman will harm Macbeth. 3. Child crowned, with a tree in his hand. â€Å"Be lion melted, proud, and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or who conspirers are. Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.† (4.1.90-94) The third is a child crowned holding a tree who tells Macbeth to be proud and strong like a lion. Do not worry about who hates you, who resents you, or who plans against you. Macbeth shall never be beat until the Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane comes against him. 2. When Macbeth asks if Banquo’s children will ever reign, what is he shown? Explain. The witches show Macbeth â€Å"A show of eight Kings and Banquo last (the eighth King) with a glass in his hand...For the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me And points at them for his.† (4.1.123-122) Macbeth isShow MoreRelated Defective Senses in Eliots The Cocktail Party Essay1608 Words   |  7 PagesDefective Senses in Eliots The Cocktail Party T.S. Eliots play The Cocktail Party, among all its banal or peculiar occurrences, is laced with images of defective senses and perception, particularly of sight. The muddle of reality and illusion confounds the main characters, and their attempts to escape drive the plot. 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And yet, in the face of what has happened, ought he to be like Horatio? or ought he not to take up arms against his troubles, and violently end them and perhaps thereby himself? (45)    In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington

Friday, December 13, 2019

Alex and the Amazing Time Machine Free Essays

Thank goodness I made it back in one piece. I have my brother and the world is happy again. Especially since Carl and Little Davy have been sent to the beginning of time. We will write a custom essay sample on Alex and the Amazing Time Machine ? or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, I’d like to say that I have finally and successfully finished building my time machine but there’s a story behind that: Psycho gave me this booster for the time machine to finally get it running. When I got home, I was pretty excited because I was sure that it was going to work. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. I was so frustrated and fell asleep with Scout in my arms. That same night, forgot to turn off the machine. Sometime between that and waking up this morning, my dog Scout disappeared. I was really scared and nervous but I had to go to school. Later that day, my school had a field trip to the museum. In the museum, we saw these dioramas of early man and I kept seeing this dog that looked an awful lot like Scout. I realized it was Scout and at that point it hit me that she might have gotten into the machine while I was sleeping and went back in time and became known as a â€Å"thoropulis†. The explanation behind the â€Å"thoropulis† was that it seemed to have always been searching for something or someone. My guess is that she was trying to get home. As my class was learning more and more about this â€Å"thoropulis† it hit me that it could only mean that the time machine actually worked! I was so excited to get back home because this meant one thing: I could travel in time and save my brother! When my class and I got back to the bus from the museum, the same white van that Carl and Little Davy drive turned up at the museum. Todd and I became super nervous because there was only one explanation as to why they were there: they were after me! Todd quickly hatched up a plan to distract Carl and Little Davy. He had the class get out of the bus to shield me from view. From that point, I ran back home and rushed to my room to activate the time machine. By accident in panic, I set it two years in the future instead of setting it to six weeks in the past. Once I was zapped to the future, I found myself in my bedroom except things looked a little different and looked A LOT nicer. When I stepped outside the house to walk around town, I came upon a banner that said â€Å"Dalton Trumble Appreciation Day† . Wait what? There’s a holiday for my dad? It turned out he wrote a famous book called, â€Å"Alex and the Amazing Time Machine†. I stole one of the copies of the book from the future and brought it back to the past that way my father could actually write it. After that little adventure, it was time to save my brother Steven. I set the machine six weeks back in the past. After being zapped, I found myself in my bedroom again but this time I felt that there was a sense of cheeriness in the air that I hadn’t felt since Steven was taken. While I was on my way to the camp, I had to make sure that I wasn’t seen. The one place I could hide in was the trunk of my dad’s car. I hid there because this was the same day my family went to the camp retreat, which is where Steven was taken. It was such an uncomfortable ride being squished in the trunk. When the car stopped, I snuck out of the trunk when my family wasn’t looking and grabbed a sleeping bag before closing it quietly. I went to a shed to collect some supplies that might come in handy to camp out in the woods to collect some strength and rest for what might be a dangerous mission. The next morning, I caught my fish for breakfast and was ready to save my brother. My plan however didn’t really work out. I saw Steven had already been taken by Carl and was on my way to get him until Little Davy captured me. We were both put into the van and were asked a bunch of questions. Steven sat quietly but was clearly scared because he had no idea of what was going on. I ended up answering all of the questions but not entirely truthfully. Unfortunately, they could tell when I was lying and it looked like they were prepared for it too because each time that I lied, they forced me to eat a forkful of worms that they had collected. By the time I answered all of the questions, I had eaten almost half of the plate of worms. YUCK! Next thing I knew, Carl had me and Steven tied up to trees and he had a gun that shot people into a universe similar to ours except the universe he was going to shoot us to had no way of escaping. All of a sudden, Todd showed up with a metal baseball bat in hand. You could only imagine the shock I had when I saw him. Not to mention the relief! Todd went straight for Carl and knocked his knees out. At that exact moment the gun was fired and hit a set of leaves. After Carl was on the ground moaning, Todd went straight to Little Davy and hit him in the knees as well. Once he was on the ground moaning like a baby, Todd ran to us untied us from the tree. We quickly tied up Carl and Little Davy and I used my time machine to open a portal to the beginning of time and sent them there. I closed the portal immediately so there would be no escape. I looked at Steven and explained that I had enough love for the both of us. I told him this because he always felt unloved. He was really happy to hear this and I received a great, big hug from my brother, which was really nice. Afterwards, I told him to come up with a silly story to explain to our parents as to why he was missing. When he left, I thanked Todd for coming back and being there to help rescue my brother and me. It turned out that Todd found my time machine that I had left in the present in my room when I left to go to the past. A few weeks later, Todd went missing and I thought it was happening all over again! Next thing I knew, he materialized himself in my bedroom holding a dog. Guess who that dog was. Yep! It was Scout! I gave them both a really big hug and thanked Todd for rescuing my dog. How to cite Alex and the Amazing Time Machine ?, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Impact of Unemployment in Economics free essay sample

There are many people who are looking for jobs but cannot find them mostly because of the slow economic growth rate in the country. South Africa faces structural unemployment where people loose their jobs due to introduction of new technology or relocation of the company, these economic disruptions have resulted in high crime rates, low production and income as well as lost human capital. The NDP has been put in place to solve the problem of unemployment, and if supported well there can be job creation because they promise on expanding work programme, reduce costs of doing business and support entrepreneurship. Body South Africa faces the greatest challenge of a very high unemployment rate, which is highly influenced by the slow growth of the country hence resulting in slow employment growth as well (Parkin et al, 2010:449). Unemployment has been defined in two forms: a narrow definition and a broad definition. The narrow definition of unemployment is the official definition of unemployment and it states that an unemployed person is a person who is willing to work and is making an effort to find a job, Parkin et al, states that â€Å"To be counted as unemployed, a person must be available to work†¦must want to work and have made specific efforts to find a job or taken steps to start a business† (Parkin et al, 2010:495), but the broad definition of unemployment also includes the discouraged workers because they are people who are willing to work but have not been making an effort to find a job in the previous month mostly because they cannot find the jobs (Parkin et al, 2010:495). We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Unemployment in Economics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The business cycle of a country also influences the employment and unemployment rates, for example during a recession period there are high unemployment rate and during expansion there are lower unemployment rates (Lipsey et al, 1999:726). Unemployment is classified into three types; i) Frictional, ii) Structural, iii) Cyclical. Frictional unemployment has been explained as â€Å"The unemployment that arises from normal labour turnover – from people entering and leaving the labour force and from the ongoing creation and destruction of jobs† (Parkin et al, 2010:501). The structural unemployment refers to the more crucial and enduring restrictions on worker mobility, Parkin et al, explains it as â€Å"The unemployment that arises when changes in the technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs or change in locations of jobs† (Parkin et al, 2010:502). Cyclical unemployment is influenced by the business cycle where a recession will increase unemployment and an expansion will decrease unemployment (Lipsey et al, 1999:726). South Africa suffers from Structural unemployment to a greater extent because it affects the economic structure of the whole economy especially due to introduction of new technologies and skills needed to cope with competition from the other countries, South Africa has gone global in the business sector therefore it needs to be upgrading its technology and skills to match its competitors. Unemployment is calculated as the number of unemployed people expressed as a percentage of the labour force, where labour force is the number of unemployed people plus number of employed people (Parkin et al, 2010:502). Number of people unemployed Unemployment = X 100 Labour Force Statistics in South Africa show that â€Å"In Q4:2008, there were approximately 3. 9 million people unemployed in South Africa and during the financial and economic crisis, the level of unemployment climbed rapidly, reaching a peak of 4. million in Q1:2010† (Labour Force Survey 2012), this can be best explained as f luctuation of job creation because, during a recession when the country is facing economic hardships the number of jobs shrinks and this influences a spike in the unemployment rate (Parkin et al, 2010:449). The unemployment rate in South Africa will never drop to zero because it is a developing country and does not have a very high Gross Domestic Product which is â€Å"†¦the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period† (Parkin et al, 2010:468), when GDP is low, there is an increase in unemployment because there are few goods produced there for a limited labour force is needed to produce the few goods. The number of unemployed people rose to 4. 5 million in Q2:2011, but declined during the second half of 2011, In Q1:2012, the number of unemployed people rose by 282 000, reaching 4. 5 million, which is the same level observed in Q2:2011† (Labour Force Survey 2012). Unemployment is a major issue in South Africa and the only way to manage it is by increasing our entrepreneurial strategy, supporting Small and Medium Enterprises as well as being united as a nation (Ramaphosa 2012). Job creation is not just a strategy to deal with unemployment but it is also going to eradicate poverty and this will increase the living conditions of every South African citizen. Mr Ramaphosa notes that unemployment is hindering our endeavor to eradicate poverty and also reduce the inequality gap (Ramaphosa 2012). The National Development Plan (NDP) which was produced in 2011 by the National Planning Commission has been put in place as strategy to deal with unemployment and Mr Ramaphosa explains that â€Å"It envisages the creation of 11 million jobs by 2030, and a reduction in levels of unemployment from about 25% to 6%† (Ramaphosa 2012). The NDP plans on involving the government as well as the labour sector to play a role, an expansion of the public works programme is going to help reduce unemployment because it will be offering work experiences and skills to those people who are unemployed. Minimizing the cost of doing business helps small companies to get into business and also employ people to work; the NDP also states that tax subsidy will be granted to businesses to minimize the cost of recruiting young people (NDP Summary 2011), this will result in job creation and hence unemployment is reduced. Unemployment affects the whole country because due to unemployment there will be low standard of living Mr Ramaphosa explains that employment is the core of humanity (Ramaphosa 2012), when unemployment is high crime rates tend to increase as well because need to earn a living, so since they cannot find jobs they resort to robbery, drug trafficking and prostitution, this helps explain the high crime rates and HIV Aids rate in South Africa. Economically unemployment leads to loss of production therefore low GDP because there are no people who can work to help make more products; there is also lack and underutilization of human capital when there are high rates of unemployment (Parkin et al, 2010:468). Conclusion The NDP has been put in place to help manage unemployment in South Africa and if it gets support from everyone 11 million jobs will be created by 2030. Unemployment increases crime rates and hence need to be managed properly. The government plans on reducing the costs of doing business and that way there can be creation of employment, the works programme is also going to be sed to provide skills to people who do not have jobs, and above all education for all has to be achieved so as to eradicate unemployment and hence poverty.